Brown Brothers Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

$55.00 $80.00
  • Brown Brothers Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Brown Brothers Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

$55.00 $80.00

The Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon has already received three years bottle age to soften and integrate its characters and will continue to improve over the next 6-8 years in the cellar. The wine has good length and is well structured with ripe flavours and a seamless elegant finish.

Tasting Notes


Intense black purple.


This wine has aromas of blackcurrant and dried herbs, while the French oak influence offers a gentle 'cigar box lift' to the nose.


On the palate the wine is powerful and intense with rich fruit and hints of nutmeg.

Note: Product image used are for illustration purposes only, vintage may vary.