Beaulieu Vineyard Reserve Tapestry Red Wine 750ml

$110.00 $158.00
  • Beaulieu Vineyard Reserve Tapestry Red Wine 750ml

Beaulieu Vineyard Reserve Tapestry Red Wine 750ml

$110.00 $158.00

This is a wine that shows the artistry of blending five Bordeaux-heritage grape varieties, which contributed layer-upon layer of flavour complexity. Cabernet Sauvignon gave the wine its generous core of briary blackberry and cassis expression, while we increased the amount of Merlot this year to tame the tannins and add plush mid-palate texture. Malbec contributed deep plum notes, while Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot completed the blend with nuances of rose, forest loam and graphite.


Cabernet Sauvignon imparts a generous core of juicy wild blackberry, dark blueberry cobbler, and cassis, while the Merlot shows a brighter, riper dark cherry fruit character. Malbec contributed dark plum and briary blackberry notes, while the Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot completed the blend with broad nuances of violet, wild sage, and anise seed.

Note: Product image used are for illustration purposes only, vintage may vary.