Penfolds Max's Chardonnay 750ml

$37.00 $42.00
  • Penfolds Max's Chardonnay 750ml Wine, White Wine

Penfolds Max's Chardonnay 750ml

$37.00 $42.00

Very pale straw with a light green rim.

An amalgam of aromatics working in harmony –primarily yellow stone fruit (nectarine) and honeydew melon with soft pistachio nougat… and enchantingly/unexpectedly from this white grape variety, blueberry bavarois!
Barely recognisable savoury French oak imparts a sensitive touch to sign off on a complex and appealing nose.

A soft and delicate mouth coating/laminated acidity fills out the palate and gently conveys the fermented spoils of Adelaide Hills Chardonnay.
Showing more of a citrus edge, with lime splice and finger lime sweetness. Enticing teacake sponge flavours varietally laced with finely grated lemon zest.
Already ready, yet no need to hurry – balanced and complete.


Note: Product image used are for illustration purposes only, vintage may vary.